Why You Should Look For GMP In Traditional Medical Products
Health Authorities in most countries require that manufacturers of pharmaceutical products (including traditional medicine) be properly certified by law.
Health Authorities in most countries require that manufacturers of pharmaceutical products (including traditional medicine) be properly certified by law.
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) is a system to ensure that products are manufactured in a controlled and consistent manner according to quality standards.
雙蝦標青草油是陪伴我長大的回憶。 小時候在單親家庭長大,叔叔特別照顧我,只要我受傷了或被蚊子叮咬,叔叔一定用青草油慢慢的塗在我的傷口上。 那一幕讓我無法忘記,更讓我的皮膚美美,塗了青草油的傷口沒有留下任何疤痕。
雙蝦標青草油是值得信賴的品牌。我推薦每個家庭應該在家中保留 1 瓶。就像我的父母傳給我一樣,我也會傳給我的孩子。我家裡也有一瓶。