痛一下就好 2023

褪去了曾助我逃避耻感的“无花果树叶”,我在人生的镜子前直面赤裸和伤疤,学习接纳自带的皮囊。一 野橄榄

痛一下就好 2023


“每一粒棋子都是重要的,纵然是小兵,只要他们到达敌军的阵营时,是有机会成为大棋子的,所以每一个士兵都是很重要的,都值得你去好好为他们安排。” 一 陆国良

媒體 / 新聞報道

Traditional Medicated Oil: Preservation and Change

From the Chinese opera stage to the international platform, Tai Tong Ah has come so far thanks to its leaders’ courage to try something new while drawing on ancestral wisdom. At the same time, it recognises the need to evolve with the changing times. This is how Tai Tong Ah stays flexible and agile in moments of crises, like the prawns on its logo and packaging.
